And so the ignorance begins

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And so the ignorance begins

Postby shinAUFC Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:33 am

Cup bid a world class scandal

Rebecca Wilson From: The Daily Telegraph December 04, 2010

IT IS the greatest sporting scandal in the history of this country - a folly aimed purely at the gratification of a few egos that cost Australian taxpayers $45 million.
The failed World Cup soccer bid for 2022 ended exactly as many outside the sport had predicted. Australia managed to secure a single vote to be eliminated in the first round, well short of the smug predictions that had gone on for months prior to the bid.

Most Australians went merrily along for the World Cup ride, convinced by those in charge that this would be of such enormous benefit to the country that anyone who dared to object was seen as un-Australian.

We were told that this would be the making of the world game in the Asia Pacific region.

This was the world game's time, and nobody, not even a grumpy AFL boss Andrew Demetriou, could stop the train.

He, by the way, was the one who told soccer bosses to go and stick it when they told him he would have to stop his competition at finals time if the big game came to town.

The Football Federation of Australia even selected hundreds of 10-year-olds in a target 22 squad, convincing their parents that these kids could be Socceroos playing in a World Cup at home. These boys were kept up by their parents to watch the bid announcement from Zurich and ended up in tears.

With a World Cup in 2022, Socceroo Tim Cahill suggested that our children's futures would be secured forever more.

That kind of hyperbole has masked a hundred problems within the game at grassroots level that may never be repaired as a result of this folly.

While junior sporting clubs around Australia bleed for every cent of government money, Westfield boss and one of the country's richest men, FFA Chairman Frank Lowy, managed to extricate $45 million from the public purse for his grandiose vision.

Lowy has essentially been running Australian soccer for many years. He convinced former Federal Sports Minister, Kate Ellis, to give him the cash which was aimed purely at gathering votes from 22 FIFA delegates.

The money was spent on largesse. Not a cent of it went on the sport's development at either senior or junior level. Soccer chiefs and the sport's stars have been gallivanting from country to country for more than a year, massaging, cajoling, begging for the right to host the World Cup.

In the end, it all came to nothing. A cheesy, but expensive, mini-feature film starring a cartoon kangaroo had absolutely no impact. The single vote has cost us $45 million. God knows how much it has cost the sport.

Emails which have come my way from irate soccer fans accuse commentators like me of anti-soccer bias. In fact, abuse floods my way even when I dare to call it soccer.

These obsessed fans believe the anti-"football" element would essentially be killed off with the glory of a World Cup in Australia. They are the ones who have been brainwashed by an organisation which cannot even run a successful national competition.

The A-League is bleeding. Crowds are down, television ratings are dreadful and not a single free-to-air television executive wants to know about it.

The FFA has spent most of its money on an elite and ageing group of players for more than a decade with very little international success.

Our best 16 and 17-year-olds break all land speed records to move from Australia the moment they get the chance.

The fact that not a cent of the $45 million was spent on a single Australian soccer player is scandalous.

Every junior club in Australia could have survived and prospered for five years off the back of that sort of money.

Even with a World Cup, nobody stood back for a minute to see what the downside was to hosting an event of this magnitude in Australia.

One look at the legacy of the World Cup in South Africa would have told them. Images of poverty-stricken settlements alongside state of the art soccer stadiums were shameful reflections of an event that a country like South Africa could not afford.

There will be tut-tutting about the bid process and its lack of transparency. The Australian delegation will blame the vote stacking antics as the reason we lost. But the truth is that the process has never been any different. It has always been on the nose.

In the meantime, we will all arrive at our under-funded, bumpy sports grounds this morning as volunteers. We will referee, cut the oranges or sell the coffee. We will fork out our $100 for the season to ensure the club or school gets through another year on the smell of an oily rag. And we will all wonder what the bloody hell we could have done with even a sniff of that $45 million. ... 5965329550
Lets not let the truth get in the way of a story in one of the biggest papers in this country eh

rebecca wilson..... :doh: :doh:
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby davidbloop Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:09 pm

wow.... one of the most spinned out articles ive read in a long time

clearly a very biased and one sided article, but to be expected from the AFL loving media.
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby shinAUFC Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:18 pm

NRL loving actually
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby lufcmike Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:05 pm

There were 2 words of importance in all that scratchings ---"Rebecca Wilson"--
that says it all.
a uninformed unimportant hack
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby KvP Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:19 pm

Rebecca Wilson is an uninformed NRL bogan who only has a job because she 'knows' the right people at News Ltd. she will never 'get' football and I'm cool with that, it's too complicated and subtle for her anyway!
In related news, I thought we all needed a few reasons to look on the bright side after getting the shaft. Please read my column on this site called "reasons I'm optimistic about football in Australia". There is a lot to look forward to right now. I hope you like it and it puts a smile on your face, football is still on the way up!
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby Max Power Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:27 pm

God I cannot believe I put myself through that.

I usually ignore what she writes as she is so uninformed it is hilarious.

Still makes my blood boil.
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby David Votoupal Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:08 pm

The "code wars" in this country are beyond pathetic. But a good deal of it comes from our side (the football community) as well. Enjoy your sport and be done with it!
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby shinAUFC Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:16 pm

i dont understand it DV, A-league is pretty well opposite season to AFL/NRL
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby KvP Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:33 am

@Shin, the top level leagues play in opposite seasons, but all sports are fighting for the same share of youngsters to grow their games into the future. I could name 10 former AFL stars here in Adelaide alone whose kids play local soccer, so from their POV, they are scared that their game of choice will not continue to be viable into the future. Already FFV fields more local soccer teams in the Dandenong ranges region of Melbourne than AFL-Vic does Aussie rules teams. Dandenong has always been a stronghold of the ARF game. ARF administrators are scared and it doesn't take a genius to imagine that NRL types feel similarly, there are only so many square metres of playing fields in local council areas. In western Sydney, Junior RL clubs are already being asked to either play more games on their pitches(ie find new players to form new underage teams) or they will be asked to vacate for local jnr soccer teams who are running their Sat & Sun mornings at capacity. Fear is a prime motivator. but you have to look at/play the long game. Too many folks compare HAL crowds to AFL/NRL crowds and by doing this I fear they are missing the point. I feel that a Turning point in Sport in Australia is approaching, brought about by generation & demographic changes, My gut tells me that football is on the right side of this tsunami, the haterz feel that they are being swamped by a game they don't understand so they act out. Its just that these haterz grew up in a different time and following the existing rules, they have the positions in the media to voice their fear.
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby King_Billy Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:21 pm

Cup bid a world class scandal

The Football Federation of Australia even selected hundreds of 10-year-olds in a target 22 squad, convincing their parents that these kids could be Socceroos playing in a World Cup at home. These boys were kept up by their parents to watch the bid announcement from Zurich and ended up in tears.

With a World Cup in 2022, Socceroo Tim Cahill suggested that our children's futures would be secured forever more.

That kind of hyperbole has masked a hundred problems within the game at grassroots level that may never be repaired as a result of this folly.

While junior sporting clubs around Australia bleed for every cent of government money, Westfield boss and one of the country's richest men, FFA Chairman Frank Lowy, managed to extricate $45 million from the public purse for his grandiose vision.

Lowy has essentially been running Australian soccer for many years. He convinced former Federal Sports Minister, Kate Ellis, to give him the cash which was aimed purely at gathering votes from 22 FIFA delegates.

The money was spent on largesse. Not a cent of it went on the sport's development at either senior or junior level. Soccer chiefs and the sport's stars have been gallivanting from country to country for more than a year, massaging, cajoling, begging for the right to host the World Cup.

In the end, it all came to nothing. A cheesy, but expensive, mini-feature film starring a cartoon kangaroo had absolutely no impact. The single vote has cost us $45 million. God knows how much it has cost the sport.
Can't really argue with this part of the article. Unfortunately she ruins it by writing a dozen paragraphs of antagonistic vindictive anti-football shit either side of it.
Emails which have come my way from irate soccer fans accuse commentators like me of anti-soccer bias. In fact, abuse floods my way even when I dare to call it soccer.
And this probably explains why. :bang:
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby David Votoupal Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:56 pm

To be brutally honest, the FFA needs to concentrate on improving the A-League and increasing its viability. They've put most of their eggs in the one basket hoping for the big catch. Countries with mature football cultures can afford this indulgence, we cannot.
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby ford prefect Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:23 pm

May as well throw in that fountain of knowledge and wisdom on all things football, Graham Cornes, AFL ambassador etc....

Soccer told the rest of the world exactly what it thought of us

* From: The Advertiser
* December 04, 2010 12:30AM
What a con job. What a waste of money. In one brief, humiliating round of voting, soccer told the rest of the world exactly what it thought of us, and put Australian soccer back in its place.

That place, should anyone be confused by the ridiculous hype that has surrounded Australian soccer over the past 12 months, is as the third- or fourth-most popular code in this country. blah blah....

.....blah...Unless, of course, it was never about winning the World Cup, but getting a gullible government to commit tens of millions of dollars to the promotion of soccer. Has any sport in this country ever had such a leg-up? And still they complain, blaming everyone else except their own inflated, misguided ambition....blah...

..Australians don't like upstarts and, in recent years, soccer has been Australian sport's biggest upstart. It has to take this humiliating World Cup setback, eat its measure of humble pie and reach out to the greater population.

He conveniently forgot to mention the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS donated to sanfl and saca at Adelaide Oval and AAMI.

Honorable mention goes to the cockRoach for his predictable emergence to utter his usual anti football diatribe.
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby shinAUFC Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:52 pm

If cornes had the IQ points to understand how voting is conducted he would understand that both australia and england had very few votes as we had such strong bids, so there was a voting strategy to out us early.

Proof of this is Japan actually lost votes in the 2nd round after we were out in the 1st round .

The media just really makes me angry, not just in sport either, but worse people take it as gospel. There would have to be maybe 1% at best of people that form oppinions on fact and experience and not agenda driven media reports
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby davidbloop Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:50 pm

I just hate how AFL'ers complain about the money that Lowy got, when AFL gets about 10 times that every single year from the government.
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Re: And so the ignorance begins

Postby General Ashnak Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:28 am

I had a reasonable argument via email with Graham Cornes because of him passing off his opinion as fact. Needless to say he didn't accept my pointing this out to him.
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