AFC Asian Cup 2027 Bidding

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AFC Asian Cup 2027 Bidding

Postby blahblah Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:58 am

Bids were to be in by June 30 and the bidders are:

Saudi Arabia

I am not sure why Qatar are bidding given they hosted the tournament in 2011. I guess they'll have plenty of infrastructure sitting about after 2022.

Iran has also hosted twice before, but since the last time was 1976 it could be deemed that sufficient water has passed under that particular bridge.

Saudi's involvement with sports rights theft would possibly count against them......but then again this is football.

In the end I hope either India or Uzbekistan land it as the tournament has never been held in Central or South Asia. Also, from a purely selfish angle, these two would be the most fun to visit.

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