North Korea at it again

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North Korea at it again

Postby blahblah Sat Jan 04, 2020 9:08 am

Our rather entertaining fellow AFC compatriots, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, are once again engaging in their quirky ways. After the 'Ghost Derby', a game which Song described as walking away from injury-free being an achievement, came the move of the AFC Cup Final from Pyongyang to Malaysia as the AFC had lost confidence in the North Korean FA to deliver.

Not content with two international football incidents in a matter of months, North Korea is at it again, pulling its womens team from the final round of Olympic qualifying as their group is being hosted by South Korea. This is the same North Korea that recently was prepared to jointly host a bid with the South for the 2023 Womens World Cup.

Clearly this is a move aimed to energise the regime's domestic audience as most of the international community will look on bemused.

Good news for Myanmar and Vietnam though as North Korea was one of the sides expected to progress. No word from the AFC thus far as to who will replace our somewhat unpredictable football colleagues North of the 38th Parallel.

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