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Postby admin Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:28 pm

Hi, I'm Marcos Flores. You might remember me from cinematic movies such as "Money Isn't Everything", "Liar, Liar" and my oscar winning blokbuster "I'm A Juda$, Shite-Talking Tard From Tardville".

Today, the above 'actor' has landed on the shores of Adelaide and steps foot on our sacred Hindmarsh turf tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night, every single brother and sister in RED should be as vocal as they can as we show Marcos Flores why his decision to join our rivals, our arch enemy, was a decision he should regret.

To our loyal supporters, our Loyal Legion Of Red; You NEED to be out in numbers to ensure our Red Sea of Hindmarsh is packed and our enemies are aware of the following;

We do not forget. We do not forgive. Victory may be your 'name', but VICTORY will be OURS.

To Marcos Flores and his filthy Victory henchmen; You're going home to Bodgywood in a Barrel.


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