President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Interloper Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:14 am

Actually it's about ethics in association football journalism
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Aikhme Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:06 am

I do not think Donald Trump as POTUS is a bad thing at all. On the contrary, i think it's a good thing. The alternative was of course Hillary, who was in fact corrupt and played an integral role in the Benghazi debacle and cost many lives. Personally, think that is a great deal worse than making a couple of off the cuff locker room remarks which are insulting to women.

But Donald Trump promises to be a great deal more. There is a lot of promise. It has been an uprising against Political Correctness, Feminism, Ruling Elites and the Establishment and for once he actually talked to the great unwashed and won their trust. All those forgotten people. He was saying what a lot of people are thinking but were too afraid to express. Credit where credit is due, because he would say the unmentionable.

People of the left and the SJW brigade have done the world a great favour even though many do not see it right now. It's people like him who made this revolution possible.

Now I am not sure if Donald Trump will follow through. He may or may not, but I do hold out hope. If the people's needs are not met yet again, then there will be another revolution (Bernie's Sanders or someone like him).

This is a political uprising or revolution which the world saw once before in the 1930s.

And it is international. Marie Le Pen is ahead in the French Polls. WHY? Because people are desperate and can't put food on the table or educate their children. Because they are being flooded with illegal immigrants.

Even in Australia, Pauline Hanson is on the move. And there is little point talking down to people because that will just make it worse. The reason why people are supporting non establishment politics, is because they have been talked down to for so long. We are all just too Politically Correct, established a Nanny State on steroids, and we do not have freedom of speech and hence our democracies are compromised to non existent. We are becoming Totalitarian States not free thinking societies.

So the TRUMP revolution is welcomed by me.

It should be welcomed by everyone unless you want the world to continue on its current trajectory where the worker is compromised, where males are compromised, where the majority is compromised at the expense of minorities, where children are indoctrinated from an early age and shaped or moulded in a certain way of thinking and have their childhood and innocence robbed from them (Safe Schools).

Politics has changed forever. The Alt Right is on the march. These are the anti-authoritarian, anti elites, anti Nanny State do gooders that think they are superior to the rest. Or we continue the way we are, but as a country we too are approaching the breaking point.

Strap in and enjoy the ride guys. it's going to be very interesting, and in the process quite a few loud heads are going to explode. Not before time either.
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Aikhme Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:11 am

As for the younger generation who have been moulded and minipulated in being anti trump by the Fundamentalist Socialist movement that wants to control everything in our lives, i would just like to point out one thing,

As they get older, with more life experience in the work force, a bit more maturity, they will discover that everything they have been fed, is complete and utter garbage and in time they will join the ranks of this global revolution which will toss the Media Elites, Political Classes and elites out on their bum.

The revolution is coming baby. In Australia too with Nick Xenophon, Pauline Hanson and the Liberal and Christian Democrats.

My suggestion is for everyone to enjoy the show. its going to fun and surely quite a few big heads are going to explode too. B)
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Aikhme Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:18 am

If the USA sets a precedence against all this, then perhaps the rest of the world will learn and follow.

Children's minds are the new battle ground, and what the establishment are doing is criminal in my mind. We have no right to be dictating to them and moulding their minds and characters and indoctrinating them in a certain way. They will develop by themselves, and I for one have faith that with good parenting, they will find their way rather quickly.

Have you noticed how the Nanny State is even telling parents how to raise their children?

Unfortunately, those who did not support Trump are very loud. And they have the Elite Media on their side too. We see it in our papers, and news bulletins and TV as well. This side of politics control 90% of the media.

And as soon as things don't go their way, they are on the streets protesting, like immature spoiled brats. Would Trump supporters do the same if they had lost? Before the election they were criticizing him for threatening to not accept the election result and now its Hillary's supporters not accepting the result.

All this discontent is promulgated by the establishment. We are being talked to like bad little children on a daily basis by the media and the bourgeoisie Academic and inner city elites who are so concerned about our safety and who are always thinking about the children and telling us we should be guilty for this or that. Now amplify all that for just about every issue, from Feminism, to Safe Schools, Family Law, Traffic laws and the list could go on and on.

But it's not about people's well being, health or about racism or values at all like they preach in media bless their beautiful souls. It's about self interest. some of the oldest organisations which have been preaching real values, is one of the most vilified, because they do not believe in marriage equality for LGBTI. They want to marry then sure, consider a political civil union and stop involving people who are against it under the letter of the Bible, Koran or Tora.

Trump would not accept money from such organisations or interest groups for his campaign. That is another good thing about Trump. He didn't need it as he is wealthy enough. As such, there is a chance that the disgusting Status Quo will end. Trump is the best chance we have.

If people actually knew what is going on, they would be so disgusted, that they wouldn't even vote. Now I don't advocate anyone not voting, because that is pointless. Vote by all means but use it wisely to send a message like the American people did. :box:
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby sevengoals Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:25 pm

Mate did you copy and paste this from somewhere?
" There was, he added, no room for spin, showmanship, hubris or “any of the feelings of invincibility” that so often shackle nations with an imperial past ... " - - -

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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby shinAUFC Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:57 pm

So fake news, alternative facts, accusing australia of sending them terrorists, illegal visa bans, a wall, tumbling usd. Sure has been a ride so far.

Trumps making my long drive home in the wee hours of the morning very interesting while listening to the bbc world service on the radio.

Im starting to wonder if trump himself is going to end this right wing populist movement across the globe that he helped created. People are starting to realise how far the world has progressed since this kind of politics was acceptable.

In a strange way it seems trump is pushing the world further left into wanting progressive reforms.

I think a genuine question is how will he leave office? Via resignation ? Being impeached or being assinated ? And can america keep it together during the power vacuum
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Ghost Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:15 pm

So fake news, alternative facts, accusing australia of sending them terrorists, illegal visa bans, a wall, tumbling usd. Sure has been a ride so far.

Trumps making my long drive home in the wee hours of the morning very interesting while listening to the bbc world service on the radio.

Im starting to wonder if trump himself is going to end this right wing populist movement across the globe that he helped created. People are starting to realise how far the world has progressed since this kind of politics was acceptable.

In a strange way it seems trump is pushing the world further left into wanting progressive reforms.

I think a genuine question is how will he leave office? Via resignation ? Being impeached or being assinated ? And can america keep it together during the power vacuum
Listening to BBC world service at night is something I really enjoy as well, quality radio service.

As for Trump he is what he is and that is not going to change. I do wonder whether he will effectively give up at some stage and Pence will become de facto president in a lot of ways. Either that or his advisers will make all the decisions and he will occasionally make a speech or shake somebodies hand.

And given his age death by natural causes cannot be ruled out, heart attack, stroke or similar, I doubt he lives a very healthy lifestyle and the job is stressful. Resignation on health grounds could be a similar end.
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby shinAUFC Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:55 pm

So trump has listed cases he claims are due to radical islam around the world that has not recieved adequate media attention including the lindt cafe seige.

Most of these cases have been investigated and found to be murder cases and NOT related to terrorism.

Interestingly this case was not listed where a man was intercepted after threats online in regard to new years in sydney ... tjuur.html
Then again this guys name was damian so it doesnt fit the narrative.

Nor were the many bombings by extreme christian groups targeting abortion clinics in the US. Or the slaughter of black church groups by white supremacists.

To be fair to Mr trump there is no real definition as to what terrorism is despite the UN council trying to get member countries to agree on a definition. The US are actually one of the countries who refused to agree on a definition most likely due to their dealings in other countries including cuba and of course the big one in hiroshima and nagasaki.
Ppl who slap the label of truth on the 1st thing they hear, do it out of ignorance, convenience or cant be bothered picking through a thin layer of falsehood to find the real truth, or possibly even another lie
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Old Gregg Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:34 pm

I do not think Donald Trump as POTUS is a bad thing at all. On the contrary, i think it's a good thing. The alternative was of course Hillary, who was in fact corrupt and played an integral role in the Benghazi debacle and cost many lives. Personally, think that is a great deal worse than making a couple of off the cuff locker room remarks which are insulting to women.

But Donald Trump promises to be a great deal more. There is a lot of promise. It has been an uprising against Political Correctness, Feminism, Ruling Elites and the Establishment and for once he actually talked to the great unwashed and won their trust. All those forgotten people. He was saying what a lot of people are thinking but were too afraid to express. Credit where credit is due, because he would say the unmentionable.

People of the left and the SJW brigade have done the world a great favour even though many do not see it right now. It's people like him who made this revolution possible.

Now I am not sure if Donald Trump will follow through. He may or may not, but I do hold out hope. If the people's needs are not met yet again, then there will be another revolution (Bernie's Sanders or someone like him).

This is a political uprising or revolution which the world saw once before in the 1930s.

And it is international. Marie Le Pen is ahead in the French Polls. WHY? Because people are desperate and can't put food on the table or educate their children. Because they are being flooded with illegal immigrants.

Even in Australia, Pauline Hanson is on the move. And there is little point talking down to people because that will just make it worse. The reason why people are supporting non establishment politics, is because they have been talked down to for so long. We are all just too Politically Correct, established a Nanny State on steroids, and we do not have freedom of speech and hence our democracies are compromised to non existent. We are becoming Totalitarian States not free thinking societies.

So the TRUMP revolution is welcomed by me.

It should be welcomed by everyone unless you want the world to continue on its current trajectory where the worker is compromised, where males are compromised, where the majority is compromised at the expense of minorities, where children are indoctrinated from an early age and shaped or moulded in a certain way of thinking and have their childhood and innocence robbed from them (Safe Schools).

Politics has changed forever. The Alt Right is on the march. These are the anti-authoritarian, anti elites, anti Nanny State do gooders that think they are superior to the rest. Or we continue the way we are, but as a country we too are approaching the breaking point.

Strap in and enjoy the ride guys. it's going to be very interesting, and in the process quite a few loud heads are going to explode. Not before time either.
Wondering if you still feel this way?
Do you still see Trump as anti-elite, for example? He's definitely an anti-intellectual in the great tradition of populist dictators, but he's looking out for the big end of town in a big way.
And the Alt-Right are not anti-authoritarian at all, it would seem: they love that Trump is trying to bypass all the systems that are in place to limit authoritarian power. They worship him with a cult of popularity based around his promises to make America great again by being tough on all the bad hombres... Fascists love a strong leader.
Anti-nanny state, well that all depends on what you think is an appropriate level of governmental control over its citizens. Trying to overturn Roe v Wade is certainly not about upholding individual freedoms.
And the point about all this as a response of the 'forgotten people' who are sick of being talked down to - that's absolutely a part of it, and maybe these are the people whose will be better served by Trump, but that doesn't mean the rights of others should be curtailed. Once the desire for a fair go economically turns into a hate of other people, they've lost all my sympathy.

As for this paragraph:
It should be welcomed by everyone unless you want the world to continue on its current trajectory where the worker is compromised, where males are compromised, where the majority is compromised at the expense of minorities, where children are indoctrinated from an early age and shaped or moulded in a certain way of thinking and have their childhood and innocence robbed from them (Safe Schools).
... that's frankly bullshit. As a white working male aged between 18-50 I can safely say that absolutely zero of my rights are 'compromised at the expense of minorities'. And teaching children to be compassionate and tolerant is not political 'indoctrination', it's education.

You're right, the Trump era will be a very interesting ride and will result in a lot of upheaval. I'm optimistic that it will send people back on the path to tolerance and diversity though, if nothing else this is just showing how dangerous things can get if we lose sight of our common humanity ..
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby sevengoals Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:59 pm

Well said Old Greg!
" There was, he added, no room for spin, showmanship, hubris or “any of the feelings of invincibility” that so often shackle nations with an imperial past ... " - - -

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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Stuckey Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:21 pm

... that's frankly bullshit. As a white working male aged between 18-50 I can safely say that absolutely zero of my rights are 'compromised at the expense of minorities'. And teaching children to be compassionate and tolerant is not political 'indoctrination', it's education.
Yeah that's it really. I really have to laugh every time I hear a white 18-50 year old male whinging about rights. Its education and you're whinging that for possibly the first time in history white males aren't in total control, and are be made to slightly feel actual accountability and responsibility for their actions.
The truth is white 18-50 males have always been accountable for their actions.
The insane price of housing in reference to average incomes
Total lack of value of world currencies
The ever increasing difficulty of gaining serious employment
The state of the environment
The sorry state of medicare
Are all generally a result of the choices white 18-50 year old males have made in the last 50-80 years.

I genuinely find it insulting that people who have lived through that era offering very little thought towards the state of things for their kids and the living conditions of the down trodden minorities, are now having a go at "this generation" when in reality minority races and people who live alternative lifestyles are being celebrated and supported more than ever, yet still aren't afforded every right like a white 18-50 male.
The old throw back of "back in my day" well back in your day. Universities discriminated against women and people off colour, back in your day if a woman divorced her husband the man kept all the possessions of the family. Something my Grandma had to deal with.

I find it funny that I rarely here people of colour or women talking about "the good old days".

A bit off topic but one thing that is continuing to fuel the issues of society and nothing is being done about it is the growing use of robots and operating system taking to jobs of humans.
Its really not that unreasonable to consider that in 50 years every job in society may be able to be undertaken by a robot or operating system. 100% unemployment.
What happens then?
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Philbyramone Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:17 pm

... that's frankly bullshit. As a white working male aged between 18-50 I can safely say that absolutely zero of my rights are 'compromised at the expense of minorities'. And teaching children to be compassionate and tolerant is not political 'indoctrination', it's education.
Yeah that's it really. I really have to laugh every time I hear a white 18-50 year old male whinging about rights. Its education and you're whinging that for possibly the first time in history white males aren't in total control, and are be made to slightly feel actual accountability and responsibility for their actions.
The truth is white 18-50 males have always been accountable for their actions.
The insane price of housing in reference to average incomes
Total lack of value of world currencies
The ever increasing difficulty of gaining serious employment
The state of the environment
The sorry state of medicare
Are all generally a result of the choices white 18-50 year old males have made in the last 50-80 years.

I genuinely find it insulting that people who have lived through that era offering very little thought towards the state of things for their kids and the living conditions of the down trodden minorities, are now having a go at "this generation" when in reality minority races and people who live alternative lifestyles are being celebrated and supported more than ever, yet still aren't afforded every right like a white 18-50 male.
The old throw back of "back in my day" well back in your day. Universities discriminated against women and people off colour, back in your day if a woman divorced her husband the man kept all the possessions of the family. Something my Grandma had to deal with.

I find it funny that I rarely here people of colour or women talking about "the good old days".

A bit off topic but one thing that is continuing to fuel the issues of society and nothing is being done about it is the growing use of robots and operating system taking to jobs of humans.
Its really not that unreasonable to consider that in 50 years every job in society may be able to be undertaken by a robot or operating system. 100% unemployment.
What happens then?
Skynet john Connor.

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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Stuckey Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:12 pm

... that's frankly bullshit. As a white working male aged between 18-50 I can safely say that absolutely zero of my rights are 'compromised at the expense of minorities'. And teaching children to be compassionate and tolerant is not political 'indoctrination', it's education.
Yeah that's it really. I really have to laugh every time I hear a white 18-50 year old male whinging about rights. Its education and you're whinging that for possibly the first time in history white males aren't in total control, and are be made to slightly feel actual accountability and responsibility for their actions.
The truth is white 18-50 males have always been accountable for their actions.
The insane price of housing in reference to average incomes
Total lack of value of world currencies
The ever increasing difficulty of gaining serious employment
The state of the environment
The sorry state of medicare
Are all generally a result of the choices white 18-50 year old males have made in the last 50-80 years.

I genuinely find it insulting that people who have lived through that era offering very little thought towards the state of things for their kids and the living conditions of the down trodden minorities, are now having a go at "this generation" when in reality minority races and people who live alternative lifestyles are being celebrated and supported more than ever, yet still aren't afforded every right like a white 18-50 male.
The old throw back of "back in my day" well back in your day. Universities discriminated against women and people off colour, back in your day if a woman divorced her husband the man kept all the possessions of the family. Something my Grandma had to deal with.

I find it funny that I rarely here people of colour or women talking about "the good old days".

A bit off topic but one thing that is continuing to fuel the issues of society and nothing is being done about it is the growing use of robots and operating system taking to jobs of humans.
Its really not that unreasonable to consider that in 50 years every job in society may be able to be undertaken by a robot or operating system. 100% unemployment.
What happens then?
Skynet john Connor.

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Haha it does sound crazy. But I'm serious. Its going to I just sound more crazy!
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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby sevengoals Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:00 am

... that's frankly bullshit. As a white working male aged between 18-50 I can safely say that absolutely zero of my rights are 'compromised at the expense of minorities'. And teaching children to be compassionate and tolerant is not political 'indoctrination', it's education.
Yeah that's it really. I really have to laugh every time I hear a white 18-50 year old male whinging about rights. Its education and you're whinging that for possibly the first time in history white males aren't in total control, and are be made to slightly feel actual accountability and responsibility for their actions.
The truth is white 18-50 males have always been accountable for their actions.
The insane price of housing in reference to average incomes
Total lack of value of world currencies
The ever increasing difficulty of gaining serious employment
The state of the environment
The sorry state of medicare
Are all generally a result of the choices white 18-50 year old males have made in the last 50-80 years.

I genuinely find it insulting that people who have lived through that era offering very little thought towards the state of things for their kids and the living conditions of the down trodden minorities, are now having a go at "this generation" when in reality minority races and people who live alternative lifestyles are being celebrated and supported more than ever, yet still aren't afforded every right like a white 18-50 male.
The old throw back of "back in my day" well back in your day. Universities discriminated against women and people off colour, back in your day if a woman divorced her husband the man kept all the possessions of the family. Something my Grandma had to deal with.

I find it funny that I rarely here people of colour or women talking about "the good old days".

A bit off topic but one thing that is continuing to fuel the issues of society and nothing is being done about it is the growing use of robots and operating system taking to jobs of humans.
Its really not that unreasonable to consider that in 50 years every job in society may be able to be undertaken by a robot or operating system. 100% unemployment.
What happens then?
Skynet john Connor.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Haha it does sound crazy. But I'm serious. Its going to I just sound more crazy!

Not as crazy as they like you to think it is...

" There was, he added, no room for spin, showmanship, hubris or “any of the feelings of invincibility” that so often shackle nations with an imperial past ... " - - -

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Re: President Trump --(can't believe I wrote that ...)

Postby Stuckey Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:20 am

There is a man called Jacques Fresco who has thought about this future and how society can address it.
It is called the Venus Project and I find it very fascinating.

What I got out of it was that basically instead of fearing that robots and operating systems take over all jobs. Humanity embraces it and encourages every job in society to be automated. As a result no one in society earns an income because there is nothing to buy. If you want something the robots and operating systems provide it.
The only issue obviously with this is that he's asking the people with money and power to give that up for the good of us all which is very unlikely.
But I just find this alternative society fascinating that it really isn't all that ridiculous to think that every person could live a life exactly how they choose as every need that have could be provided to them.
Who feels like catching a plane to London tomorrow?
Who feels like climbing Mt Everest next week?
Who feels like spending every minute of everyday with the people you love?

Its not a perfect theory but I love the concept of it.
Time to Djbate!

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